Hell Off Earth

I am living in his backwards screenplay and he is rewinding.

We marry on set. He tells the same story to everyone:

How we took the black hole out, slogged away the human left.

How we ate toxically and traveled for the clouds.

Where our stories made us less than we were.

I left the earth for you, I say.

I grew these feathers for you.

The mechanics of his voice


His eyes become the fierce jungles from which I run.

From the outside, we see everything and touch nothing.

His eyes, so dark at night.

The sky is always this dark.

4 thoughts on “Hell Off Earth

      1. I’m in the mood for a Halloween thrillers. I usually watch action films so the titles don’t come to mind. Please tell me some your favourites and I’ll try to catch them on Sunday morning. x

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